<% if (Request("name") <> "") and (Request("color")) <> "" then '/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ '/* WRITE A NAME, IP AND THE COLOR IN THE CLIENT'S COMPUTER USING */ '/* COOKIES FUNCTION AND DECIDE THE NAME AND THE COLOR EXPIRES DATE */ '/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Response.Buffer = True name = Request("name") color = Request("color") min = minute(Time) IP_addr = Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR") 'CHECK THE USER IF HE IS ALREADY ENTERED THE CHATROOM, DO OPEN THE CHAT ROOM AGAIN, ELSE LET THE USER ENTER if Session("Entered") = "" then 'OPEN THE USERLIST.TXT TO WRITE THE NEW USER'S NAME AND IP ADDRESS set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set ts = fs.OpenTextFile ("D:\inetpub\wwwroot\YOUTH-ONLINE.COM\dfcc_counseling\UserList.txt",8) ts.WriteLine IP_addr & ",," & name & ",," & min ts.Close 'OPEN A CONTENT.TXT AND READ A IT'S CONTENT set ts = fs.OpenTextFile ("D:\inetpub\wwwroot\YOUTH-ONLINE.COM\dfcc_counseling\content.txt") Do While not ts.AtEndOfStream if ts.Line <=200 then Old_Content = Old_Content & ts.ReadLine & "
" else Exit Do end if Loop ts.Close 'OPEN CONTENT.TXT AGAIN TO WRITE A GREETING IN IT, THIS IS USED TO REMAINING OTHER USER set ts = fs.CreateTextFile ("D:\inetpub\wwwroot\YOUTH-ONLINE.COM\dfcc_counseling\content.txt",True) Old_content = Replace(Old_content, "
", VbCrLf) ts.Write "#FF00FF,, ,," & name & "進入 BOOM CHAT CHAT 聊天室 !!" & vbCrLf & Old_content ts.Close StartChat = "MM_openBrWindow('icq_chat.asp?name=" & name & "&IP=" & IP_addr & "&color=" & color & "&min="& min &"','OpenChatRoom','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=650,height=450')" Session("Entered") = "Enter" end if end if %> YOUTH-ONLINE.COM [滅罪會 On-line Counseling]
<% set fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set ts = fs.OpenTextFile ("D:\inetpub\wwwroot\YOUTH-ONLINE.COM\dfcc_counseling\title.txt") Do While not ts.AtEndOfStream content = Split (ts.ReadLine, ",,") if date = Cdate(content(0)) then today = content(0) NowTime = content(1) title = content(2) people = content(3) exit do end if loop %>
<%=today%> <%=NowTime%>



你的名字代號 : 文字顏色: